
Grinty releases fashion line, Olsen twins underwhelmed.

It was a fantastical day for orange lovers around the world, as Rupo released a range of unisex full body suits, ‘for the discerning modern day redhead’. His spokesperson had this to say about the line:

“Finally, there is no need for pale skinned orange haired men and women to fear the sun. Our mighty, vengeful ruler, our father, the Original redhead, the redhead who all other redhead have been created in the image of, has created the ingenious Red Death Suit. The sun will no longer force us to hide in our caves during the day, only to venture outdoors at night, lest we turn to stone. We now have the means to overthrow the disgusting non-reds and claim out rightful place as the master race.” 

No news yet as to where Kate fits into Grinto’s Master Plan. Czech out the line's key look below, and let us know what you think: red heads, our new despotic overlords, or just another fashion fox pass? 

Red-y to be enslaved? lol. 
 The unborn child of Kate and Rupo had this to say:

We love you, O’ Mighty King, He Whose Locks Burn Like A Flaming Crown Upon His Head. 

Rupo: A Man With A Plan. #youcanseethehateinhiseyes
In other news, the Olsen Twins were underwhelmed. Big deal, Twins. What color is your hair? The color of pee, that’s what.

See you later R-Gaggers. What have you ever done for us, anyway?  Nothing, that's what. 


  1. I've checked this site daily since it was created, and you've finally updated it....


  2. Dear Caitlin,
    You have always been our greatest fan and we want to thank you by sending you a free RUPO GRINTO T-shirt.
    Send your mailing address and size to rupogrinto@hotmail.com and we will send you one. If you would like to also clarify your gender that would be lovely. This is the internet after all, and nothing is certain.
    xoxo RUPO GRINTO
