
D: Finally! You can contact RUPO GRINTO too!

Greetings fellow R-Gaggers,
Perhaps in the midst of reading our completely true (and let's be honest, quite cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy at times) archive of Rupo Grinto documents you have thought

WOW, wish I had personal contact with Rupo like these coolo reporters.

Well now you can.

Just send an email to rupogrinto@gmail.com (he likes to keep it real with 'common people email databases') and he will reply in due course.

You heard it here first,
xoxo The rather stylish R-Gag team

Ps. The best ones will be published on this very site!


A Poem - from Rupo's perspective

If I was a Rupo growing red and free
All I'd want is to find some shade for me
If I get too burnt, I'll fizzle and fry
And I don't much want to die

If I was a Rupo with my hair so red
I'd want everybody to love my head
If I got it dyed everyone would cry
And then I'd be a cloud without a sky

If I was a Rupo with my hair turned grey
I'd want somebody to dye my head of hay
If it went white I'd end my life
And I'd never have the chance to find me a wife

All I want is red will you dye with me?
Change your hair to this colour and I'll be smiley.

A Fiery Debate

The following is a fiery debate concerning the seemingly easy decision as to subject matter of RGag. It's not easy. You try covering Rupo Grinto's increasingly hectic and talented life.
For the purpose of anonymity and utter dullness for the reader (whom is obviously tearing their redlicious locks out trying to figure out the real identities of the RGag team members), we have used their very top-secret code names.

MP: I suppose we could run a post on his involvement in that new movie? Whatsamacallit?
GL: Let's just copy and paste his head on a toothpaste tube and convince Kolegate to pay us commission.
MP: Probably a wise strategy.
GL: Did you feed Ronelda? [GL is referring to a cat which RGag bought in an attempt to decorate HQ. The cat was originally named Ron and then became Ronelda upon discovering its amazing ability to complete two tasks at once]


Little Ronelda being as cute as ever! As you've probably guessed she acted as scribe for the above transcript.


Rupo Grinto - Can he succeed in more than one generic role?

R-Gaggers will be shocked to discover that many tasteless and completely untrue blogs (much unlike this one) have accused Rupo Grinto of only being able to succeed in one generic role.
In Parry Hotter and in BerryComb Rupo plays a mischievous red haired young man whom competes for the love of an equally misguided, monosyllabic adolescent.
Come on Rupes! Don't be a Michael Cera!
(Here at RGag, we dismiss these allegations as absolute rubbish. Did someone say rubbish? http://www.drphil.com/)

Prof Rupert Grint

All of us R. Gaggers would like to congratulate Rupo Grinto for his graduation from Brown University's sister school, Red.

Grint has concluded his time at Red with a major in the Philosophy of Ginger Hair, and Why People Hate it So Much, and a minor in How to Achieve Emma Watson's Love. His tireless attempts at self-betterment via education has inspired us R. Gaggers, as well as evoke an unhealthy besottment with his flaming orange locks.

Until next time, all you Jennies from the block.

Rupert Grint: A Scholar